Friday, December 6, 2013

Intractable Souls (Bound for Ireland) by Tricia Daniels

Oh Olivia and Ethan! They are soul mates and could not have more different personalities. Isn't that always the case though? Let's take Ethan- strong, powerful, handsome, sexy man from Ireland. Has the accent, the looks and the confidence. He is reminding me of Mr. Grey but instead of being as refined as Grey he is more rugged. When Ethan talks, you listen. Who doesn't love a man with an accent? Olivia has been alone for the last 3 years. her last boyfriend was a piece of work! She is trying to protect herself from the force that is Ethan. Their chemistry is undeniable. You will enjoy their journey, both have strong, stubborn qualities although they show it in different ways. And really, can I just say how funny Ethan is? I just kept waiting to see if he would say arse. There are so many good quotes in this book that made me crack up! Here are a few! 

  • ...what the ever-loving-hell is going on.
  • "Your throne is now secure, my lady."
  • "Do I strike you as the kind of guy who is easily discouraged?"
  • "I don't think that's going to happen, Rach. Every time I talk to him he says something so ridiculous that it makes me want to stomp REALLY HARD on his toes." LOL!!!!
  • "Yes... well I like my music cars fast and my men in..."
  • "Reading it in French was pretty sexy but hearing him say it in English in a low sensual tone with his Irish accent is so much more."
  • "No worries, beautiful. I assume you'll be paying me back in sexual favors?"
This book is worth reading just to experience Ethan alone. Everything else is a bonus. I cant help thinking of Gerard Butler when I think of Ethan! 4 stars! I will say I'm a little flustered with the ending. But if you know me you know I'm impatient with endings that don't go they way I'd like. 


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