I thought it would be fun to try to create Hunger Game inspired make up looks. After watching hours of YouTube and other people's tutorials, I figured, "hey, why not." Rey was working and I didn't have to start work until 2pm. So I dug out my Hunger Games necklace and got to work. I tried to record both looks I created but after filming the first video the tablet decided not to save the footage! Bummer! So I thought, OK I'll remove makeup from one eye and just film again. Right? Wrong! Didn't save that either! So my flaming eye look got no video love. That was inspired by the title, Catching Fire. My blue fish eye was recorded! It was inspired by district 4, fishing district. I will say, I went a little crazy. It looks like a ton of blue just exploded over my eyes. I went all out, blue and purple mascara and eyebrows! For the top look I wanted to look golden and bronzed all over my face. For the bottom look I wanted to look pale and highlighted and crazy eyes, LOL! Maybe Hunger Games meets Drag Queen. Like my fish face below? I was going for the fish look!
Then a nice face mask to rejuvenate after an hour or so of playing makeup! I'm not sad in the bottom pic, my face just cant move much thanks to the mask! :)
May the odds be eva in your favor!
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