Thursday, May 16, 2013

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

I recently read Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini. This was a good book. It is the first book of 3. Although I mostly enjoyed this book I will not be reading the next 2 books. I know the last time I said that after a few days I went back and read the others but I don't think that will happen this time. This book is a mixture of a present day Illiad. Like some of the other books I've read, namely the Fallen Series and Fall of Angels Series, our two main characters cannot be together. Helen and Lucas are the modern day Helen of Troy and Paris. If they get together the world will be at war once again. I loved Lucas and I loved how he was so caring and protective over Helen. What I do not love is that I found myself skimming through the pages to find out more about them. Of course the book ends and they cannot be together. From what I read on amazon the next book is about her journey to (I don't really the underworld??) break the curse... hopefully so she can be with Lucas... During this time she meets another man to help her on her journey (Hades???)... Third book she must choose who she really loves. I just cant go there with these characters. I just would like to read a nice, sweet book without too much drama. Maybe I need a break from the love issues. I just want them to live happily ever after without having to go through two other books of drama. Now, some characters I do not care and will read 100 books because I love them SO much, like the Experiment in Terror Series and the Existence trilogy.  I'm not going to say don't read this book. Go ahead and see what you think. it might do it for you. Right now, for me, it didn't. I'm still on my Dex & Perry kick.

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