Saturday, March 15, 2014

Return to Kadenburg by T.E. Ridener

5 Stars!

This is the second installment in the Kadenburg Series. You will not be disappointed! Some of our favorite werebears are in trouble. The prodigal son, Rutley, returns to Kadenburg to find things have changed in the past 10 years. We also realize the things that go bump in the night are real and in that world everyone has a role. What happens when the very thing you are created for you cannot do? There is a greater plan in motion and no one is truly safe.

I loved every word of this book! Seriously! I loved Lorcan from the first book. I was #TeamLorcan all the way. I have a new love for Dimitri and Rutley. I cannot wait for the next book. Ridener's writing style is perfect. Her works are truly a hidden gem. 

My reading craze started with paranormal books and after a while I got tired of it. Ridener has rekindled that love for me. 

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

  • “I mean, obviously I must be crazy to come back after you called me a sinful little heathen and told me I was going to hell.”
  • “You take yours black, right?” “With honey,” she nodded.  “I have to have the honey, dear.”  (made me chuckle)
  • “Don’t you worry about another thing.  This isn’t my first rodeo.” (lol, he sounds like he is from the old west)
  • “Of course I don’t,” he finally said.  “But I don’t think Kadenburg’s quite ready for a sexy homosexual like me.  All the girls will be locking up their boyfriends, afraid I’ll steal them or something." (LOL)
  • “If you hurt her, I own a shotgun and a shovel." 
  • "...I don’t give a damn if she regrets your birth…..I don’t regret it.  I’m grateful you were born.  I’m grateful that I know you, and I can never be thankful enough that you love me.” (Can I love Lorcan any more!)
  • Just remember, you can turn into Smokey the bear.  Nothing is impossible at this point.
    Arnold loathed the way he was strutting about like the cock of the roost, acting like he was victorious.  He wanted to smack him- just one good smack and he’d feel better.  That’s all he needed. (Literally laughed out loud at this line!)
  • “Does Beau qualify as an actual person?” Dimitri wondered aloud.  “He’s sort of a dick.”

  • There are so many other good quotes here but I don't want to give this story away.

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