Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Truth About Kadenburg by T.E. Ridener

Well folks she has done it again. Ridener has created a world filled with shifters! To say this book is good is an extreme understatement considering I read it in under 2 hours. I could not tear myself away from it to do things like eat or shower and get ready for work.  Seriously this was 5 stars hands down. Even the names are hot: Presley, Lorcan, Liam, Dimitri, Breslin... Presley is returning to her hometown after having a bad breakup with a super a#$hole. Things aren't ever what they seem and the same goes for the small town of Kadenburg and its residents. No vampires in this town (yet?) but there sure are werewolves and werebears. I don't think I ever read about werebears other than in Sherrilyn Kenyon books. Lorcan and Dimitri make the book boyfriend list.


Here are some of my favorite quotes:
  • They hadn't even moved up enough in the real world to receive a Wal-Mart...
  • When did Lorcan grow into the jolly Green Giant?...And hot. When did he get hot?
  • Presley had a scent that was more tantalizing than honey. (LOL)
  • We're bears? Presley questioned as she tried to inch further away from her uncle. I really need to stop drinking...
  • Honey? Was he serious? Presley rolled her eyes before laughing bitterly. "Sure, that's cute. Honey soothes bears, huh?  (LOL)
  • One minute she was angry, the next she was confused, and then she was ready to drive a blade through a man's chest because she knew he wasn't really a man at all! (Isn't this normal ladies!)
  • "It's like someone looked down from the sky and thought 'Oh, you're dealing with a personal crisis, Presley? That's great! Let me add on the fact that you can turn into WInnie the Pooh, too!'"
  • "You've never wondered why you prefer fish sticks over pizza rolls, or going to Captain Shivers over Burger Hut?  ( #CaptainShivers -that gave me a chuckle!)
  • Ursithropes definitely had to be the reigning champions of bear hugs, and for good reason.
  • "It's all right," Lorcan whispered. "I'm right here, Presley. I'll always be right here, just like I've always been."
  • Oh god, who am I kidding? I don't even know how to bear out!"  (of course I immediately thought of this) : (Listen with the volume all the way up, he says "Flame on" I hear "bear out" lol )

Here is my Lorcan. You know an author has done a good job in creating an Alpha male when even a hottie like Chris Hemsworth doesn't add up to the image in your head! 

Presley :)

The wolves

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